

This was published 13 years ago

State can't hide from dam report: Newman

By Bridie Jabour

If Seqwater had a case to answer over the management of the Wivenhoe Dam during the floods, then so would the state government, LNP leader Campbell Newman said today.

Mr Newman said he welcomed the report, which he said did not exonerate the state government of any blame for mismanagement of the dam during last year's floods.

"There are issues, there are legal issues surrounding the operation of the dam and if I become the premier we will have to deal with that," he said.

"I noticed with some interest the language the Premier used, the Premier kept talking about Seqwater as though they were some other entity, as though they were some other company, they're not.

"They're part of the Queensland state government and if ultimately Seqwater have a case to answer over the management of the dam, that is a case the Queensland state government has to answer."

His comments came after Premier Anna Bligh acknowledged the flood commission’s final report exposes the Queensland government to an enormous damages claim.

The inquiry’s final report, issued today, found Wivenhoe dam engineers breached its operating manual in the lead up to devastating floods in Brisbane and Ipswich last year.

Lawyers have said any breach of the manual could be grounds for a class action against the government, as the operator of the dam.

Ms Bligh acknowledged the legal threat but said a breach of the dam’s manual did not prove Seqwater, the government-owned operator of the dam, was liable for damage to thousands of homes and businesses.

‘‘It opens the possibility of legal action but it does not, of itself, establish liability,’’ she told reporters after receiving the report.


Ms Bligh said she would implement the flood inquiry’s final report ‘‘lock, stock and barrel’’ if Labor is re-elected later this month.

She promised to act on all recommendations relevant to the state government.

She said she’d taken advice from Treasury and the commitment would not threaten Labor’s pledge to return the budget to surplus by 2014/15.

‘‘We are confident that these recommendations can be managed and that they ... will better equip Queensland,’’ she told reporters.

‘‘I haven’t committed to them lightly, this is a very strong blue print and we should not ignore it.’’

She said she was surprised by the recommendation that the three dam engineers should be referred to the Crime and Misconduct Commission for investigation.

‘‘I think this is a recommendation many people would not have expected, but nevertheless it’s one I have acted on [this morning],’’ she said.

Mr Newman did not say if he felt any sympathy towards the dam engineers who may face charges and said "proper and due" process had been observed through the flood inquiry.

"While some people out there might feel very sympathetic towards them (the dam engineers), I can only respect and I suppose, we all have to back up Justice Holmes findings," he said.

"They need to be afforded natural justice … they have been found guilty of nothing at this time and they need to be afforded natural justice.


"…They need their day to put the facts on the table of whatever they're now accused of."

Mr Newman said the LNP were the only team with the "energy, the passion, the drive and commitment" to adopt the inquiry's recommendations, before he conceded most recommendations were already in the process of being implemented.

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